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Our Expertise

Employers Choose Carlyle for All the Right Reasons.

We Start by Learning About – You.

Long ago we learned that to help you, we have to first understand you. So, we take the time to learn about your business and culture, your history and your vision, and then zero-in on the specific hire to insure a fit.

To Us, Top Talent is Non-Negotiable

Then, blending innovation with best practices, we work harder and smarter – by this we mean both conventional channels and our own proprietary techniques to source passive candidates you’d otherwise never meet because 85% of qualified candidates aren’t active.

The Hidden Costs of a Bad Hire.

Money is only the beginning. There’s also lost time, diverted focused, unrest in the ranks, and lost business opportunities that can’t be harvested without the personnel to get it done right. Our approach is to get personal, really personal.

More About You – Less About Us.

We insist on comprehensive understanding of your needs, goals and what success looks like – to you. Our objective is a customized solution built for our client needs, not our convenience. Many don’t get it – at Carlyle, we do.

The Advantage of Our Network.

If it sounds like a secret, competitive advantage, that’s just what it is. We have a database of passives that are the envy of the industry. We’re about highest quality talent and optimal fit, ferociously guarding our time – and yours.

We Under-Promise and Over-Deliver.

Here’s good advice for anyone that tells you how easy finding the right talent is: Hang-up, show ‘em the door, and keep looking. Success isn’t luck and the right hire isn’t coincidence – success is the product of hard work and non-negotiable values.

Get the Conversation Started!

Call us at 800-200-9950